Continuam drumul început aici prin hățișul emoțional al tinerei fotografe din Singapore.
Kilye își dezvăluie sufletul în fața noastră prin intermediul unor imagini compuse ( photoshop )
Pășiți cu grija și înțelegere pentru ca, deși nu recunoaștem deschis, trăirile ei sunt trăirile noastre.
click pe imagine pentru o dimensiune generoasă
This is just a photo I took in my sister's room.
Supposed to invoke feelings of 'quiet desperation' ( which is such a corny term haha )
disperare liniștită
quiet desperation
This is supposed to be about self restraint/control, the top figure being the 'conscience' or something similar keeping the person pinned down. - pe scurt: conștiința (autocontrolul ) ține frâiele vieții ( ne ține imobilizați )
self restraint
Our ropes... they exist and they don't. we were born into a society with certain expectations, certain limitations, certain possibilities.
it's not about 'fuck society', it's about accepting our ropes, accepting the reality we live in. and knowing that society and it's ropes were made up. they were created collectively in our minds. with that knowledge, we can live in society without having to feel like a failure when we don't live according to it's expectations... we can climb our ropes, not get tied up in them.
there are so many heavy hearts out there burdened by things in their minds because they are tied up and see no other way. there are other ways. climb your ropes, feel lighter!
Ne-am născut într-o societate care are anumite așteptări, anumite limite, anumite posibilități. Considerăm că am eșuat în viată dacă nu trăim asa cum așteaptă/vrea lumea din jurul nostru. Nu vă lăsați încorsetați de sfori ( limitări ), cățărați-vă pe ele!
bariere autoimpuse
glass house
Another picture about fear, confronting fear, and confronting ourselves
Despre frică și confruntarea ei
I just felt like creating a picture about a really grotesque, sickly character. The character is revolting and almost alien-like to everyone else and hated but is pathetic and misunderstood too (hence the bowed head). It's stupid but I was kind of thinking of aliens when I made this. And how humans'd probably mistreat them if we ever met them. Like in District 9. And ET. Har har :P
Aesthetically, I was inspired by some artists I've always really liked- Brooke Shaden, John Currin and Ray Caesar because I admire their ability to make beautiful yet at times morbid or dark images. What better artwork to be inspired by for a picture like this!
în pat bolnavă
in the sick bed
Another picture about vanity and self obsession
self obsession
Inspired by Michaelangelo's The Last Judgement
Judecata de apoi
This doll is based on Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas
fuga de realitate
somn capricios
fitful sleeping
singură în Univers
her own universe
her self portrait
calea spre desăvârșire
learning paths
life half asleep
pragul iadului
ma lepăd de singurătate
lonely falls
reîntoarcere în pădurea de mangrove
revisiting the mangroves
șovăieli feciorelnice
shuffles bashfully
orbire temporară
temporary blindness
the getaway
This is composed of 4 different shots. Two of the room and two of me. One long + short exposure of the room so I could get the view from outside instead of just an ugly overexposed white window.
And two of me- one of me with half my limbs 'climbing' the ceiling and the other of my other limbs doing the same thing! Then I glued them together.
Imaginea de mai jos este compusă din 4 poze : două cu încăperea și două cu Woon
regretul de după
the afterthought
uită prezentul, mâine va fi soare și pe ulița ta
tomorrows fish and chips
view on black
mă trezesc din nou
waking up again
cu gândul aiurea
washing myself away
perete de apă
cerul e limita
we are limitless
ce urcă trebuie să și coboare
what goes up...
Aflați mai multe despre Kylie Woon de pe pagina sa
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